Check out the newest narrated video tutorial at the ESA Shop!
That’s right, after overwhelming requests from some dedicated followers, I’ve now released my first complete narrated video tutorial here on the site. And for the first week, you can get it for $5 off the full price!
In this tutorial, I’ve condensed a 10-hour digital painting process into 3 hours of fully narrated video content to hone in on the most vital elements of the process. I walk you through the entire painting process of my piece “Huntress in the Valley”, from idea generation and thumbnailing, to value mapping, digital painting techniques, adding photo textures, and finishing touches to bring your piece to presentation quality.
So if you’ve been waiting for an opportunity to experience a more in-depth walkthrough of my process, and learn how to can apply the same techniques to your own work, now is the time! Check it out here and learn the secret ways of my craft 🙂 Thank you all for your feedback and support over the past several months! I’m very pleased to finally have an opportunity to share my insights with fellow artists. Cheers, Eben